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Jigsaw Project – Community Health & Wellbeing Centre Last updated on 13th July 2022

Known as the ‘Jigsaw Project’, an idea is born out of need – Dunbeath & District Centre’s vision is an ambitious new build Health & Wellbeing Centre to serve the communities in the South East of Caithness.

The new Health & Wellbeing Centre will enable the existing facilities at 7 Neil Gunn Road to be relocated in their entirety.  The existing premises provide facilities for the local community but is currently limited in the number of people it can accommodate.  The new Centre has been designed with the aim of providing larger and more flexible floor space which can be altered to accommodate different needs at different times during the life-span of this modern building with opportunities for employment and volunteering. The provision of consultation spaces will enable external service providers, such as hairdressers, podiatrists and physiotherapists to bring their services to the community whilst offering a venue for the Near-Me video call service run by NHS Highland.

Dunbeath & District Centre has appointed Oberlanders Architects Ltd, along with the wider project team, to help develop plans to build a bigger and more inclusive Centre to deliver the valuable work which is currently serving the community from the existing premises at 7 Neil Gunn Road.

Project news

Thursday 6th June, 2024£6,672 Funding Awarded Dunbeath & District Centre has been awarded a £6,672 Grant Community Regeneration Fund ( S ...Friday 1st December, 2023Funding Consultant Engaged Dunbeath & District have activated a funding consultancy workplan to develop and implement ...Friday 9th December, 2022Enthusiastic welcome for Dunbeath and District Centre's wellbeing hub despite 'bizarre' objection Check out this article in the Northern Times >>Click Here<< News that a £1 mill ...Thursday 8th December, 2022Planning Approval Achieved for the Dunbeath and District Wellbeing Centre Oberlanders are delighted to have achieved planning approval for the Dunbeath and District Well ...Tuesday 6th December, 2022Planning Permission The Highland Council approved Dunbeath & District Centre's application on 6 December 2022 â ...Tuesday 26th July, 2022£50,000 Funding Pledge Dunbeath & District Centre has been awarded a £50,000 funding pledge from Beatrice Offshor ...Friday 3rd June, 2022Plans for new Dunbeath and District Centre take a step forward after visit from MP Jamie Stone Check out this article in the John O'Groat Journal >>Click Here<< The pieces are star ...Thursday 10th March, 2022Appointment of Design Team - Jigsaw Project Successful appointment of the Jigsaw Projects Design Team consisting of: Architect & Des ...Wednesday 23rd February, 2022Community Asset Transfer A successful application for a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of land situated 20M SW of 9 Neil ...Monday 13th December, 2021Recruitment of Manager The Operational Growth Manager came into post in December 2021 to oversee the Jigsaw Project. ...Wednesday 15th September, 2021The Jigsaw Project Vision Created The Management Team at Dunbeath & District Centre hone down the Vision for a new build Comm ...

Dunbeath & District Centre would not exist if it wasn't for the generous support of the following funders

Dunbeath & District Centre
7 Neil Gunn Road

Tel:01593 731335